Transportation Impact Fees

CHD4 has partnered with Canyon County and the Cities of Star and Middleton to establish development impact fees to fund transportation system improvements necessary to accommodate new growth and development.

Impact fees are authorized by Idaho Code Title 67 Chapter 82 for public infrastructure such as roadways.  They are collected from each new development (residential, commercial or industrial) at the time of access permit or building permit issuance, and in proportion to the traffic impact resulting from the new construction.  City of Star enacted an ordinance September 13, 2021, and Canyon County enacted an ordinance July 20, 2022 authorizing the collection of transportation impact fees within the Mid-Star Service Area.  By agreement with the County, CHD4 will collect, track, and expend these fees for specific transportation improvements within this area.  The Cities of Star and Middleton will collect impact fees for developments within their city limits.  CHD4, Star, and Middleton will work cooperatively to fund and construct intersection and roadway improvements within the service area.

Canyon County Code- See Chapters 11-3 and 11-4 Canyon Highway District Impact Fees

Star City Code 7-3B Transportation Impact Fees

Mid-Star Service Area

Mid-Star Service Area

Named for the Middleton-Star area, this service area includes all of Canyon County north of the Boise River and east of Interstate 84, as well as a small area south of the Boise River lying north of Lincoln Rd between KCID Rd and Midland Rd.  This area is currently the fastest growing part of the highway district and rural Canyon County, and was selected for study and implementation of an impact fee program to address transportation needs brought about by rapid new growth in the area.

Mid-Star Capital Improvement Plan

The Mid-Star CIP details forecast growth, current and projected traffic needs, and a project list to meet needs arising from anticipated growth during the 2020 - 2040 timeline.

Mid-Star Service Area Impact Fees

Impact Fees for each type of new development are calculated in proportion to the traffic they generate.  Impact Fees for common types of new development:
New Single Family Residence .............................................$5,050
New Manufactured Home ..................................................$2,347
Accessory Dwelling Unit (2nd Home on Parcel)...............$1,581

Impact Fees collected by CHD4 for unincorporated Canyon County are due at the 
time of access permit issuance.

For Multi-Family housing, Commercial, or Industrial Uses see Table 3 in the Mid-Star Service Area 
Impact Fee Program below.

The following uses are exempt from impact fees under 
Star City Code 7-3B-5 and Canyon County Code 12-04:

·         Reconstruction of a residence of the same amount of floor space which was destroyed by 
          fire or other catastrophe

·         Remodeling or repairs to a structure which does not increase the number of 
          service units (residential dwellings).

·         Replacing a residence with another unit on the same lot which does not increase the 
          number of service units

·         Additions to a residential structure which does not increase the number of service units 
          (residential dwellings).

·         Accessory structures such as sheds, outbuildings, carports/garages, etc… which do not 
          increase the number of service units (residential dwellings). 

·         Temporary construction trailer or office

·         Modular or Manufactured Home or RV if the fee payer can demonstrate one legally existed 
          on the property prior to August 22, 2022, or if a transportation impact fee has previously 
          been paid for a modular, manufactured home, or RV on the property.

Individual Assessments

Developments may request a written certification of an impact fee prior, or an individual assessment of the proportionate share of impacts from a particular development.  Individual assessments typically require a Traffic Impact Study at applicant's expense to support exceptions from the adopted impact fee schedule.  See the Individual Assessment Guidelines below for allowable considerations.


Individual Assessment Guidelines 390.49 KB 1143 downloads


Contact the CHD4 Impact Fee Administrator at 208-454-8135 with questions relating to impact fee assessments.