The Engineering Department is responsible for the roadway, drainage system and bridge improvement projects, new development monitoring, long range planning, traffic studies and other engineering analysis.
Plans and Projects
Highway District No. 4 is in the process of preparing a District-wide transportation plan that will describe the District's:
- County demographic and land-use trends
- Transportation System Network
- Roadway Network, including roads, bridges, culverts and signs
- Road Functional Classification System
- Western Canyon County Arterial Route
- Vehicle Crash History and Roadway Geometric Needs
- Traffic Volumes and Patterns
- Design Standards
- Asset Management
- Capital Improvement plan and projects
- Equipment Replacement plan
- Funding Sources
- Roadway Improvement Project Priorities and Cost Estimates

Pavement Management Plan and Projects
This effort includes inspection of the roadway infrastructure throughout the District every other year to examine sign of cracking, wear or fatigue, with an assessment of work needed to improve the condition of the road immediately and to extend the road's useful life.
The pavement management projects are prioritized and fiscally-constrained based on anticipated revenue, project costs, and workload scheduling. It is for planning purposes and projects may change at any time without public notice.
Permits and Development
Special Use permits are required for any use of Highway Districts rights-of-way. Typically these permits are issued for approaches or work within the right-of-way to utility companies, municipal authorities, developers and builders, and private citizens.
Permit applications should be made at the Highway District office. Visit the Resources page for downloadable applications.
New Subdivisions within the District are monitored for compliance with District Standards through the design and construction phases.
Sign Department
The sign technician maintains all of the traffic signs following the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards on unincorporated highway district roads. All requests for new or revised signs are evaluated through engineering studies to see if it is warranted.
This department is also responsible for performing traffic counts throughout the district.
Average Daily Traffic Counts
Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes shown are averages based on unadjusted counts by Highway District No. 4.
The GIS department services the Highway District by effectively providing geographic information products and services through the development of spatially-enabled applications, databases, mapping products, analysis, education and technical support. Examples include mapping and data for roadways, bridges and signs.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) products include the Official Highway District Map.
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