Latest Construction Updates
All listed completion dates are tentative and subject to change
Marble Front Rd- Ward Lane to Middleton Road
For safety reasons, this section of Marble Front is permanently closed. Inadequate sight distance available at Marble Front road approach to Middelton Rd.
Pavement Rehabilitation Projects
All listed completion dates are tentative and subject to change
Midway Road
Lone Star Road to Iowa Avenue
Project: This 1.5 mile project will use recycled asphalt base stabilization (grind the existing asphalt in place and retain for structural ballast) and a new hot mix asphalt mat to rehabilitate existing pavement. Pipe replacements and extensions, along with ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Complete
Construction: Summer 2024
Riverside Road
Lowell Road to Symms Road
Project: This 0.9 mile long project will use recycled asphalt base stabilization (grind the existing asphalt in place and retain for structural ballast) and a new hot mix asphalt mat to rehabilitate the existing pavement. Existing horizontal curves will be flattened slightly and made more consistent to improve safety. Minor changes to grades and road width are anticipated to provide greater safety and consistency throughout this road segment. Pipe and bridge replacements and extensions, and ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Complete
Construction: 2024
Purple Sage Road
Middleton Road to Duff Lane
Project: This project will consist of rehabilitation of 1.0 mile of roadway, including a new asphalt pavement surface. Pipe replacements and extensions, along with ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Complete
Construction: 2024
Foothill Road
Middleton Road to Duff Lane Overlay
Project: This 1.0 mile pavement project is anticipated to be an asphalt overlay to extend pavement surface life with pavement repairs at specific locations. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Complete
Construction: 2024
Bear Lane
Ustick Road to Homedale Road
Project: This project will consist of rehabilitation of 1.0 mile of roadway, including a new asphalt surface. Pipe replacements and extensions, along with ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Complete
El Paso Road
Sand Hollow Road to Oasis Road
Project: This 2.0 mile long project will use recycled asphalt base stabilization (grind the existing asphalt in place and retain for structural ballast) and a new hot mix mat to rehabilitate the existing pavement. Changes to grades and road width are anticipated to provide greater safety and consistency throughout this road segment. Pipe replacements and extension, and ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: This project is currently under design.
Construction: Oasis to Hollow Rd- Sept 2024 Hollow Rd to Goodson Rd- Fall 2025
El Paso Road
Goodson Road to Sand Hollow Road
Project: This project will consist of rehabilitation of 1.0 miles of roadway, including a new hot mix asphalt pavement surface. Minor changes to grade and width are anticipated to provide greater safety and consistency throughout this road segment. Pipe replacements and extensions, along with ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: This project is currently under design.
Construction: Summer 2025
11th Ave N Extension
Ustick Road to US 20/26
Project: This 2 mile long project will use recycled asphalt base stabilization (grind the existing asphalt in place and retain for structural ballast) and a new hot mix asphalt mat to rehabilitate the existing pavement. Minor changes to grade and road width are anticipated to provide greater safety and consistency throughout this road segment. Pipe replacements and extensions, and ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Under construction
Construction: Spring/Summer 2025
Farmway Road
Old Hwy 30 to Oasis Road
Project: This project will consist of rehabilitation of 2.5 miles of roadway, including a new asphalt pavement surface. Minor changes to grade and road width are anticipated to provide greater safety and consistency throughout this road segment. Pipe replacements and extensions, along with ditch grading will occur to improve drainage. This road will be closed to thru traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: This project is currently under design.
Construction: Spring/Summer 2025
Bridge Projects
Riverside Road
At Mora Canal Bridge Replacement
Project: This project will remove the existing 70-year old two lane bridge, and install a new precast stiff-leg bridge structure to accommodate improvements to the horizontal roadway geometry and remove a broke-back curve. Work includes utility relocations, removing the existing structure, installing a precast stiff-leg bridge structure, parapet walls, and an asphalt wearing surface. Riverside Road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Complete
Construction: 2024
Middleton Road
At Willow Creek Bridge Replacement
Project: This project will remove the existing 70-year old two lane bridge, and install a new bridge structure designed to fully pass the 100-yr flood flows, and accommodate the future 3-lane roadway with bike lanes and pedestrian facilities. The grade of Middleton Road will be raised approximately 3-feet at the crossing. Work includes utility relocations, removing the existing structure, installing mechanically stabilized earthen abutments, scour protection, precast voided slab beams, parapet walls, asphalt wearing surface, and grading the roadway and driveway approaches at the crossing. Middleton Road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Design Complete
Construction: TBD
Purple Sage Road
At Willow Creek Bridge Replacement
Project: This project will remove the existing 70-year old two lane bridge, and install a new bridge structure designed to fully pass the 100-yr flood flows, and accommodate the future 3-lane roadway with bike lanes and pedestrian facilities. Work includes utility relocations, removing the existing structure, installing mechanically stabilized earthen abutments, scour protection, precast voided slab beams, parapet walls, and an asphalt wearing surface. Purple Sage Road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Design Complete
Construction: TBD
Riverside Road
At Mora Canal Spillway
Project: This project will widen the existing 72" culvert to allow a safety barrier installation and improved shoulder width. Work includes utility relocations, extension of the existing concrete culvert upstream and downstream, construction of headwalls, canal liners, scour protection, and guardrails. Riverside Road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. However, local traffic and services (mail, garbage, and emergency services) will be provided access.
Status: Design to complete.
Construction: Winter 2025
Pinto Road
At Riverside Canal
Project: This project will remove the existing two lane bridge, and install a new bridge structure. Work includes utility relocations, removing the existing structures, install a new stiff-leg culvert, asphalt wearing surface, and grading the roadway and driveway approaches at the crossing. Pinto Road will be closed to thru traffic during construction with a detour. Construction is expected to take three weeks.
Status: Design to be completed in Fall 2024
Construction: Winter 2025
Pipe Projects
HD4 is planning numerous culvert replacement or rehabilitation projects for the '25 season, with work expected to begin in Fall 2024 after water deliveries have ceased, and continuing until April 2025. These projects are programmed to replace aging culverts, or to replace culverts in support of roadway projects or pavement restoration projects where the culvert life would be less than the expected pavement life. A list of the project locations and descriptions is provided below. Property owners affected by road closures associated with this work will be notified by mail in advance, with information on detour routes and property access during construction.
- Riverside Mora Spillway Phase II 72" RCP extensions w/headwalls. 8 weeks duration.
- Midway Road - Irrigation Tiling (north of SH 55). 1 week duration.
- Kingsbury Road at Canyon Canal (north of SH 44) concrete liner. 3 weeks duration. No traffic impact anticipated.
- Midway Road at Lateral Ditch (south of Orchard Avenue). Install new 36" culvert. 2 weeks duration.
- Blessinger Road at Waste Ditch (south of Foothill Road). Install new 24" culvert. 1 week duration.
- Roosevelt Avenue at Waste Ditch (east of Lake Avenue). Install new 36" culvert. 2 weeks duration.
- Weitz Road at Drain (north of SH 19). Install 36" HDPE liner. No traffic impact anticipated.
- Harvey Road at Drain (south of Goodson Road). Install 60" HDPE liner. No traffic impact anticipated.
- Eel Lane at Lateral Ditch (south of SH 44). Install new 36" culvert. 2 weeks duration.
- Old Middleton Road at Newman Ditch. Install new 54" culvert. 3 weeks duration.
- Midland Road at Madden Spur Drain (south of Chinden Road). Install 48" HDPE liner. No traffic impacts anticipated.
- Ustick Road at Lower Embankment Drain (west of Chicken Dinner Road). Install 48" HDPE liner. No traffic impacts anticipated.
Other Projects
Orchard Shared Use Shoulder Widening
Project: This project will widen the shoulders between Riverside Road and Indiana Avenue along both sides of Orchard Avenue. At completion this will provide an 11' travel lane, 4' paved shoulder, and 1' gravel shoulder within the roadway.
This project was identified in the 2016 Lake Lowell Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Plan, a multi-agency planning effort funded through the Federal Lands Access Program. The need for shared roadway improvements on Riverside Road and Lake Shore Drive were identified during the planning study and constructed in 2017.
The current project will continue the previous shared use shoulder widening improvements along Orchard Avenue. The project will also replace the Burris Lateral Bridge, add pedestrian improvements at Murphy's Neck, and repair culverts.
Highway District No. 4 was the recipient of a grant through the Federal Lands Access Program. This program is provided by Western Federal Lands, a branch of the FHWA. Western Federal Lands provided the design and will review the daily construction progress. Western Federal Lands hired a contractor to perform the work.
The contractor is responsible for construction and will field questions related to access, dust, and traffic control. The contractor's representative is Jeremy Snow. He can be reached by phone at 986-226-3479 or 208-562-5035 or by email at [email protected].
Construction: Fall 2024 to Fall 2025